ALPHA TRUST Mutual Fund and Alternative Investment Fund Management S.A. (hereinafter the “Company”) informs the investors that on 03.11.2023, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company’ Shareholders decided the amendment of certain articles of its Articles of Association, as a result of the decided demerger, including article 1 of the Articles of Association “Establishment – Brand Name”. In particular, it was decided to change the brand name and the distinctive title of the Company to “ALPHA TRUST ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΩΝ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ” and “ALPHA TRUST HOLDINGS” respectively, as well as in its relations abroad the brand name of the Company will be rendered as follows: “ALPHA TRUST HOLDINGS S.A.”.

The Ministry of Development by its decision no. 3159632 ΑΠ/18.12.2023, which was registered in the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) under Entry Code No. 3943346, approved the above amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association. The Corporate Transactions Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange, at its meeting on 19.12.2023, was informed of the above decision and the amendment.

Following the above, the aforementioned Committee has decided that, as of 20.12.2023, the brand name of the Company on the Athens Stock Exchange shall be changed to “ALPHA TRUST ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΩΝ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ” with the distinctive title “ALPHA TRUST HOLDINGS”.

For further information, shareholders may contact the Company’s Investor Relations & Corporate Announcements Unit (tel. 210-6289200, email: [email protected]).

19 December 2023