ALPHA TRUST HOLDINGS S.A. (the “Company”) informs the investors that, on December 16th 2024, the free distribution by the Company, through an OTC transfer, to certain members of the Board of Directors, of 8.000 own, common registered shares with voting rights, was completed, pursuant to the provisions of article 114 of Law 4548/2018. The aforementioned shares, distributed for free, were of a total value of 70,080.00 euros, resulting from the closing price of 8.76 euros of the date of the transaction.
The distribution was made following the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders, dated 03.11.2023, which approved the free distribution of the own shares of the Company to certain members of the Board of Directors and personnel of the Company and its affiliated companies, pursuant to article 114 of Law 4548/2018, subject to the achievement of specific goals, the achievement of which was certified by the resolutions of the Board of Directors of 29.05.2024 and 10.12.2024. The aforementioned shares were purchased in the context of the Company’s own share buyback program, which had been approved by the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Company’s Shareholders on 03.11.2023.
Following the above distribution, the Company holds in total 33.250 own shares, equivalent to 1,07% of the Company’s total number of shares.
Kifissia, December 17th,2024